We currently offer courses for up to thirteen persons in our Vinohrady workshop. These courses are intended for children from 6 years, for parents with children and adults as well. The courses specialized on wood carving are organized individually.
We organize classes in our puppet studio in the old part of Prague, a city with a strong puppet tradition still alive.
Under the guidance of experienced puppet makers - Pavel Truhlář and Zdenka Owenová, our pupils make a wooden puppet starting from ready-made turned components.
We offer a collection of 20 puppets for the participants to choose from as a starting point. This collection was especially designed for the purpose, but of course, anyone can just create and compose his own character, if one prefers not to work according to a model.
At the end of the course everyone will have an original marionette plus an insight into puppet making.
Who is the course designed for?
The workshop is designed for young and old, for amateurs of puppet art, for children, for their parents, for those who want to rediscover their long lost creative soul, or just want to take a step back from everyday computers, cinemas or videogames.
Although we recommend the workshop for children above age six, younger children have attended our workshops successfully in the presence of their mother or father.
Special technical skills are not required.
Time schedule of the workshop
The course takes about 3 to 4 hours depending on the number of participants
Reservation: We kindly ask to make a reservation at least two working days in advance.
Number of participants
maximum 10 for one workshop
Whether there are more participants in the group, we would ask you to book it at least one week ahead.
Price: 1 person / CZK 3.000
Price includes a short word on puppet tradition and relevant production techniques. Of course all materials needed to finish and assemble the puppet are included and all necessary tools will be at your disposition under the professional guidance of our tutors. During the workshop we provide a little refreshment and a small snack.
Special offer - DIY Marionette Kit
For all of you who cannot spend the time in our puppet studio and join creative courses to achieve a fabulous marionette we have produced a simple DIY kit. The full range of characters and the packaging can be viewed here on our website. The kit includes ready - made linden wood components, instruction, fitting accessories. Just pick one and have fun! Offer of entire DIY collection you will find in our shop and also in our studio.
See the instruction video - step by step how to built our small wooden marionette
Offer for schools
We provide one-shot morning classes for schools either in our studio in Vinohrady or in school´s location. Would you like to create along with your students marionettes regarding to your own art design and get to know how to manipulate and play with them? Contact us! It would be our pleasure to show you a magic world of puppets.
Beside one-shot morning classes we also cooperate with schools on long term projects in terms of their afternoon activities for their students - as such, preparation of the puppet performances, which contains not just puppet and theatre making, but also get up a play. We would be more than happy to give you other expletory information, just contact us.
In course of this workshop, each participant will – under Pavel´s supervision and with his assistance – carve out the head of their own wooden marionette. The body itself will be prefabricated in our workshop and ready to use for your coming marionette. Depending upon the student´s skill whether there is some time left then our pupil can carve also the hands. Final unpainted marionette might be dressed up with a simple costume or enhanced with accessories.
Production of a marionette head, carved from the linden wood.
Workshop takes 3 days
Students will work from 10 am to 6 pm, having 1 hour lunch break
Maximum number of students: 4
- 1st Day
- Preparation of visual design (technical drawing)
- Machine material preparation
- Start on carving the marionette head
2nd Day
- Head puppet completion
- Start on carving a marionette hands (depends on the time)
3rd Day
- Finishing hands
- Marionette assembly (with ready prepared body) and completion
- Puppetry lesson
Workshop fee:
18.000 CZK per person
Every participant will obtain a certificate of successful completion of a course.
The workshop is taught in English
Workshop Schedule:
Production of a 40 -50 cm marionette carved entirely from linden wood
Workshop takes 7 days
Students will work from 10 am to 6 pm, having 1 hour lunch break
Maximum number of students: 4
1st Day
- Introduction
- Preparation of visual design (technical drawing)
- Doctrine of sharpening chisels
2nd Day
- Machine material preparation
- Start on carving the marionette head
3rd Day
- Head puppet completion
4th Day
- Start on carving a marionette body
5th Day
- Start on carving a marionette hands and legs
6th Day
- Marionette painting
7th Day
- Marionette assembly
- Marionette controller production
- Technique of stringing puppet
- Marionette completion
- Puppetry lesson
Workshop fee: 28.000 CZK per person
Every participant will obtain a certificate of successful completion of a course.
Chtěli by jste si vyrobit s dětmi Vaší školy loutku, nebo s Vašimi kolegy, nebo jen tak doma v rámci narozeninové oslavy?
Nemáte čas přijít k nám do ateliéru? Nevadí, my přijedeme k Vám!
Kontaktujte nás a my Vám rádi připravíme workshop na míru, podle Vašich představ a časových možností. Vše potřebné k výrobě loutky přivezeme sebou.
Můžete si zhotovit jak naši malou dřevěnou loutku, tak nejjednodušší loutkovou variantu, naši placatou a 3D loutku, obě ve variantě kluk - holka.
Přijedeme k Vám rádi
do školy
do školky
na festivaly
na teambuildingové akce
na speciální akce
na soukromé párty
na narozeninové oslavy
Součástí workshopu by mohla být přednáška z historie českého loutkářství, řekli bychom si něco málo o výrobě loutek, technologii zpracování, manipulaci atd. Pro ukázku a manipulaci s loutkou bychom přivezli různé typy loutek, které by si účastníci kurzu mohli zkusit.
Cena je individuálně kalkulována podle počtu účastníků a místa konání workshopu.
Jak si nás můžete objednat?
Loutkářskou dílnu na míru pro Vás objednávejte přes e-mail, nebo na tel. čísle 606 924 392
Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi!!
nejenom pro děti…
S námi Vás loutky budou bavit!
I takto může vypadat Vaše loutka! Záleží jen na Vaší fantazii! Pojďme si hrát si hrát!
Můžete si je pomalovat, odekorovat látkou, ozdobit knoflíky, korálky, použít různobarevné stužky, vlnu atd. Ke tvoření používáme tuhé lepidlo, tavnou pistoli, nůžky, pastelky a fixy.
Navázáním na nitě přes vahadlo a ruce nám vznikne malý loutkový originál.
Zábavná, kreativní činnost nejenom pro děti, časově nenáročná na 20-30 minut.
Celou loutkářskou dílnu pro Vás rádi připravíme na míru a vše potřebné přivezeme sebou. Od vás pouze potřebujeme připojení na elektřinu a prostor pro náš dřevěný stánek – 4 x 3 metry.
Pokud by jste chtěli zažít atmosféru loutkářské dílny, tak workshopy realizujeme přímo v našem ateliéru na Královských Vinohradech.
obě ve variantě clapeček a holčičika
- 2D placatá loutka 1ks / 190 kč
- 3D kulatá loutka 1 ks / 290 kč
V ceně je zahrnutý veškerý materiál.
Cestovní výlohy nejsou součástí.
Celou loutkářskou dílnu pro Vás rádi připravíme na míru a vše potřebné přivezeme sebou. Od vás pouze potřebujeme připojení na elektřinu a prostor pro náš dřevěný stánek – 4 x 3 metry.
Pokud by jste chtěli zažít atmosféru loutkářské dílny, tak workshopy realizujeme přímo v našem ateliéru na Královských Vinohradech.
Loutkářskou dílnu objednávejte přes e-mail, nebo na tel. čísle 606 924 392
Více fotografií z workshopů naleznete na našem FB profilu
Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi!!