Vi anbefaler å delta på workshop med din egen idé, design eller karakter av dukken som du ønsker å gjøre.

In course of this workshop, each participant will – under Pavel´s supervision and with his assistance – carve out the head of their own wooden marionette. The body itself will be prefabricated in our workshop and ready to use for your coming marionette. Depending upon the student´s skill whether there is some time left then our pupil can carve also the hands. Final unpainted marionette might be dressed up with a simple costume or enhanced with accessories.


Workshop Schedule:

Production of a marionette head, carved from the linden wood.
Workshop takes 3 days
Students will work from 10 am to 6 pm, having 1 hour lunch break

Maximum number of students: 4

1st Day

  • Preparation of visual design (technical drawing)
  • Machine material preparation
  • Start on carving the marionette head

2nd Day

  • Head puppet completion
  • Start on carving a marionette hands (depends on the time)

3rd Day

  • Finishing hands
  • Marionette assembly (with ready prepared body) and completion
  • Puppetry lesson


Workshop gebyr:

18.000 CZK per person

Every participant will obtain a certificate of successful completion of a course.


Workshopen blir undervist på engelsk
